Thursday, October 16, 2008

A Love Quote

Crashed into the Politics and Government of Singapore lecture by Prof Bilveer Singh and was enthused by his rendition of the electoral politics of the island-state.

During the break, he showed the students some inspirational slides. One caught my attention.
"Love is not about two people looking at each other,
but both looking in the same direction."

It's a simple quote that sinks deep in a sea of meaningfulness. Having a political scientist talk about Love could be quite tormenting, I guess. So luckily no one seemed to step in to start defining Love and debating on the "who gets what, where and how".

Two people looking at each other is an infatuation, puppy love, short-term ecstasy. It's when both of them look in the same direction are we then talking about real Love. Going in the same direction and overcoming obstacles.

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