Sunday, September 07, 2008

Sometimes More Could be Less, Less Could be More

It doesn't take a genius to say that to reduce weight, one should eat less. On the surface, it might look like a good advice. However, with considerable analysis, the advice wouldn't stand absolutely true. Because...

Sometimes More Could be Less & Less Could be More

While dieting may help to a certain extent, reducing the intake of carbohydrates would certainly not be helpful. By consuming less of carbohydrates such as rice and noodles, the body would receive less blood sugar. With a long day of work, the body could go into hibernation mode as blood sugar level turns low. During this period, the body would begin to get a false signal and reduce its metabolism and start storing fats. = Increase in weight...

Alternatively, to reduce weight you should eat carbohydrates in moderation. This way, you are more energetic (and thus will be more willing to exercise) and reducing weight becomes more possible.

Let's turn to the case of money. The most usual advice when we come to money is to SAVE MONEY. While being thrifty is a good value that one should embrace, it might not necessarily translate into accumulation of wealth. Just look at how many people actually become millionaires because they save prudently. People save but they spend away their savings when big discounts are given and indulge in emotional purchasing of products and services.

On the other hand, we could utilise money in such a way that we can maximise their value. By using suitable investment vehicles (based on individual risk appetite), we could make more with less.

Similarly, it doesn't mean that if you think you are a small speck of dust, then you couldn't achieve big results. Hopefully my message today expands your current boxed and limited mindset!

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