Friday, August 08, 2008

Questions shape our Life

Whatever we focus on, expands.
Have you ever wondered how questions can shape our life?

Everyday, we ask ourselves a whole lot of questions. It ranges on questions that are task-related such as "How should I process this document?", to questions that are relationship-oriented such as "Why is my superior such a dickhead?"

How we phrase a question will ultimately render how we are going to act. This is because when you ask questions, you cast your focus on the answers. And when you focus on something, it naturally expands. Just like when you focus the light with a magnifying lens on a spot, the light energy gets so concentrated that it releases heat.

There are empowering questions and crippling questions.

When facing a predicament or when feeling down, empowering questions provide a positive outcome. Instead of asking "Why does he treat me so bad?", which will indirectly lead you to visualise all the reasons and factors that lead to him treating you poorly, you should ask instead "How can I make him treat me better?"

Remind yourself to always ask empowering questions when you encounter any issues in your life. Even when you are in transit, empowering questions can generate innovative ideas for you.

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